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Okay so of course my daughter is perfect in my eyes...although, i do face a few challenges with her.

For the most part - i try to always give her what she wants (which may not always be a good thing, i think)

I am quite chilled when it comes to discipline as my Harper is still quite young and only starting to test boundaries now. She isn't really a "naughty" child...just very mischevious and curious, which part of me loves as she learns so much every day and she has the cutest "naughty" look haha.

I always know when Harper is about to do something naughty...She will run to me, give me a big smooch and then run away - THEN i know somethings up lol

She also kinda asks for permission before doing certain things, like if she wanted to open the kitchen cupboard (to unpack ALL the food and tupperware) she will call me, then touch the cupboard and nod her head... I then nod back and she'll say "yezzzz," and proceed to destroy the entire kitchen. (Which i dont really mind, i dont see the big issue if it's not hurting anyone right?)

She has gotten a few smacks on the hand for small things like putting her finger in her nose which i cannot handle. I just cant. And to make matters worse Allan laughs and tells her to put IT on mommy...(thanks Allan)

We have also had a bit of trouble with Harper smacking other kids...for no reason. This kid is not scared, she would walk up to a 5 year old and just whack him. All I do is apologise to the mother of the other child and then calmly tell Harper that that was very naughty and she must not do it again - she looks at me blankly and carries on playing.

So im not completely sure what to do about that one... I cant solve hitting with hitting. I am looking into getting her involved with a weekend play group of some sort, which im sure will help improve her interactions with other kids.

Discipline is so very important - but as with everything else in life, there is a place and time and my view is that an 18 month old is way too young to really be disciplined.

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