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Raising Harper - "Coloured VS White" Upbringing...

Okay, so if you didnt know I am white and Allan (Harper's Dad) is coloured...tall, dark and yummy hahaha.

So Harper is what some would call Mixed Race.... To us shes the cutest caramello bear. She has a really beautiful tone to her skin...and is a really amazing combination of Allan and I.

My family have always been quite laid back and we call each other on a first name basis, where as in Allan's family it is seen as very disrescpectful if you talk to an older person and do not address them as Aunty/Uncle.

I would even call my mother by her first name and if someday Harper wanted to call me Stephanie I would be fine with that. At the end of the day I am still her Mom.

As in any relationship we need to learn how to compromise... I know how important being respectful is to Allan (not that its not to me) so I have agreed that we would teach Harper to address older people in his fam by saying "Aunty Senami" or "Uncle Adam" when talking to them.

If she did that in my family she'd be shouted at and told "Im NO Aunty, call me Karen."

Its just how we are.

One thing I really do like about coloured families is their "closeness" - family lunches and get-togethers are hugely important - this I really do like A LOT, firstly because we get to spend time together as a family and because there is TONS of delicious food and when I say tons...I mean enough food to feed and army for 2 weeks. (And the food is absolutely delicious - coloured mommies cook theeeee best)

SO although that type of closeness is great, what I dont like is everyone all up in your business...privacy is like NOT a thing in coloured families, whereas in my family we are more reserved and stay out of personal matters that dont directly concern us.

Allan and I come from two very different worlds and I hope that we are able to balance these opposing influences for Harper.

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