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Why has bedtime become so hard?!

Harper used to sleep like a dream when she was younger, but that's no longer the case.

Well, actually she sleeps alright, it's the getting her to sleep part that's driving me insane.

It's not like she's all alone in a room in her own bed...she's still sleeping in our bed, right smack-bang in the middle of Allan and I.

Up to the end of last year sleeptime was a breeze, Harper would ask for her milk, get under the covers, take a few sips and fall asleep. Occasionally we'd need to sing a few songs - nothing major.

But lately it's just a never-ending story..literally.

Just last night it was a mission once again to get her settled into bed for sleeptime.... poor Allan had to sing and hum tunes as and when requested by Master Harper. Thereafter Harper demanded I softly rub her back, which I did...for 20-30 minutes at 11pm (which is way past my bedtime by the way). As soon as I stopped she was in tears shouting MORE MOMMY MORE! And so of course I rubbed her back a little more until eventually my hand actually cramped-up.

She usually has about 2 naps during the day - one late morning and one around 4.30pm - sometimes she only naps once a day and sometimes not at all, somedays naps are only and hour long and other days its over 2 hours. I just dont know. Maybe it's just a phase - Let's hope so!

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