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Whining & Dining!

Allan and I have always loved eating out - food is the best right!

After Harper came along we started settling for a quick Mc Donalds take-out (or Happy Donalds as Harper likes to say) or we'd order in some Debonairs... very rarely we'd actually be able to enjoy a sit-down meal at a reatautant... emphasis on SIT.

Harper is just a great ball of energy - ALL the time. I am grateful for this but sometimes it does get a little too much to manage. If we do take the leap to actually eat out we already know that we wont really be able to enjoy our meal. Before we even get there we already plan what to order so as soon as we are seated we can order and get it over-with.

As soon as the food arrives we need to scoff whatever we can while it's still warm (while also blowing harp's food cold, feeding her, amusing her, singing a song, changing her balloon for the 7th time cause this colour just isnt right and cleaning up the mess she has just made by spilling something on the table.)

We VERY rarely go anywhere without Harper (mostly due to how I feel - my heart cannot handle leaving her alone with just anyone and if we do leave her with someone for a short while it stresses me the f*ck out.) I even feel guilty sometimes cause I know she enjoys going out and eating lekker food just like me and Ally... I feel bad that she's "excluded."

I know... that is a little crazy, but it's how i really feel.

I do realise though that Allan and I need some time to ourselves. We need to take a breath and enjoy some time with each other over a great meal..just us two. Where would we even go - Haven't been somewhere nice in ages haha!

(Side note: I need to find some more kid-friendly restaurants with amazing play areas to get Harp out of our faces for a bit - that way I wouldnt feel as guilty and we'd also then have a "lil time to ourselves."

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