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My Views on Everything Baby - Back Then and NOW!

Take 2 - My views on everything baby #JustSaying

So this is a post that I published on the blog in Jan 2015 – a looong time ago. I have copied the text and will insert my thoughts on each point in blue! Let’s see if I have had a change of heart?!

Breastfeeding: Maybe breast milk is best, but you know what I was formula fed and i turned out pretty freaking fine! I pretty much still feel this way!

Breast-feeders : self-praising, judgemental to mom’s who formula-feed. But some are decent and are doing a good job, must be hard work. Haha this sounds so rude but I don’t mean it that way – I have not had much experience with breast feeding and did receive a few comments from breastfeeders and “ex”-breastfeeders (all the damn old aunties etc) on the lack of boobie milk Harper received. I felt so judged. I wish I could have been a little more confident at the time and actually just told them to Fuck the fuck off.

Bed-time: My baba sleeps with us in our bed, that way I can get cuddles throughout the entire night! Haha Harper is almost 3 and still in the bed with us! I do love her next to me but I am really missing cuddling with Allan.. We have actually purchased Harper a “big girl” bed which she only uses for nap time at the moment. Baby steps!

Routine: Uhm, you have to be joking. We do not have one of those. Hmm we kinda do and don’t? Lets just say some days are better than others.

Solids: From 4.5 months, paediatrician who is a specialist in allergies recommended this. Times have changed people. I know every kid is different but Harper did super well when she started solids at 4.5 months so I still agree with this.

Yummy stuff: Oh man, give the child a taste of the lekker goed. I STILL AGREE WITH THIS. Damn parents nowadays are so consumed with feeding kids super boring things.. I get that we all want to be healthy but come on - kids party snacks nowadays is fruit sticks and MAYBE a marshmallow if you’re good! What the actual fuck – I wouldn’t want to attend that party.

Best Products: Pampers, Pure Beginnings, Elizabeth Annes, Bennetts. We have since moved to Huggies Gold for Girls and loving it! Slowly but surely starting on potty training so hopefully nappies will be a thing of the past soon! Elizabeth Annes have a new “Conditioning Shampoo” on the market – its insanely good..i buy it now for Harper and myself! Still using Bennetts Bum Crème as we all know it is simply the best!

Germs: I was a freak when she was a newborn, i’ve calmed down quite drastically – kids lick stuff man. Haha I still fully agree with this.. I have to laugh at myself now when I think back to what a goof I was when Harper was born lol didn’t want any germs near her.

Dummy: A precious gift, that must never be lost. Better than a thumb. (UPDATE: THANKFULLY Harper kinda weaned herself off her dummy YAY!) Dummy’s are cool if baba likes it.

Child care: Best to keep baba at home with a nanny for as long as possible. Harper is still at home with her nanny – best ever!

Vaccinations: It is necessary, cant believe some parents are actually against this. STILL FULLY AGREE! All Harpers vacs are up to date.

Baby food: Nice to make your own, not always possible, I make her home-made suppers and give her fruity purity and yoghurt for lunch. And she gets purity cereal for breakfast and little snacks throughout the day. Ahh my baba used to eat all these squishy foods now she can eat like a beast just like her dad! They both really love pasta lol

Walking – ring: Awesome if used in moderation. Still agree.

C-sec Vs Natural: I had an elective c-sec due to baby being breech, doc advised this would be the safest option so I was happy to go ahead with this. Having a c-sec is not an easy way out and doesn’t make me any less of a mother than the next lady who pushed a baby out of her vagina – that does not automatically make you a good/better mom. I still feel this way.. you know each to their own.. Maybe I’d consider a VBAC..we’ll see.. we aren’t planning on Baby Syce #2 for quite a while still lol!

Competition: As i entered this new chapter in my life I’ve realised mom’s are extremely competitive, which I think is so silly, yes i brag about my daughter in all her splendor but never compare her to another kid, that’s just wrong and sets such a bad example. Still agree! I still brag lots about Harper cause I mean come on what’s not to love haha ;)

Discipline: I intend to teach my child respect and to understand right from wrong WITHOUT having to resort to spanking, thank you very much. {Note to past self – you are a douche.} I have come to learn that sometimes kids do need a little spank cause sometimes just sometimes they can actually be assholes.

Earrings: Ridiculous! Why would you want to put your little baby through pain to make her look “beautiful.” Sorry, but my daughter does not need earrings to make her look beautiful, she is already gorgeous. She can decide this for herself at a later stage. She has noticed my earrings and said she also wants but I really don’t think she is ready yet – she doesn’t understand that it will be sore..not only the piercing itself but the healing process as well so we will wait and see once she starts school.

"Spoiling": FIRSTLY babies cant be spoilt, its not possible people. Toddlers can be spoilt with material things but not with love by letting them sleep in bed with you or holding/picking them up when they want. I think its just crazy that some people think you can actually spoil a child by jumping to their every need and cry - thats called good parenting actually. FULLY AGREE! OH MY FREAKING WORD some people actually really do believe that kids can be spoilt by jumping to their every need etc.. gosh I feel sorry for their kids..

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