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Where has 2016 gone??

2016 has been a great year, we have made loads of memories with friends and family, Harper is growing into a super clever (and feisty) "Threenager."

And it's almost Christmas - I LOOOOOOVE the holiday season and I am so excited to share that love with Harper. Recently we watched our first movie (Storks) on the big screen - which Harper totally loved! Half way through she did tell me to switch the lights on though LOL

We get to swim all day (When i say we I mean Harper and Allan cause I hate the pool.)

Eat delicious juicy watermelon or as Harper likes to say "Allan Watermaaaalon"

Eat Ice-cream literlly every day sometimes more than once a day :)

We also took Harper to pick out a really awesome Christmas Tree - love the smell of the tree in our home!

Then we got to spend some time decorating that tree which was sooooo much fun!

We also visited the annual Noddy Party in Rondebosch (which is something i actually attended when I was a kid) The Noddy Party is always a blast!

I start my leave tomorrow (Allan started today, the lucky bugger) and I cant wait to be home with my Harpie! I have so many fun things planned for the rest of the year!

2017 we're ready for you.

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