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I wish I had more time to just be a Mom..

Sometimes I wish that I had been born in like the real "olden days"..that way I would have been able to stay home with my child/ren no question.

I have this longing to be a stay at home mom, but financially it's just impossible for us to live on one income. I just feel like I don't have enough time with my Harper.. mornings start at 7am..I'm up for work and leave when Harper's nanny I start the day while Harpi is still asleep... (most days she sleeps till 8.30 sometimes even 9am - great on weekends!) Then I finish work at 5pm, get home just after 5.30 and get started on supper. Then we eat, bath and get ready for the next day (set out clothes, pack lunches etc) In between that I get to spend a bit of time with Harp...then when we're done it's already 9pm.. into bed we go, we talk and pray and then it's sleepy time...and then we do it all over again tomorrow.

There are just not enough hours in the day to just be a Mom, sister, daughter and wife.. The world we live in is just a constant on-the-go journey.. I wish i could just slow things down and enjoy the little things more.

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