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My baby is really not a baby anymore!

Harper is just growing way too fast. I miss those chubby newborn cheeks and all the rolls and rolls and more rolls she used to have all over her little squishy body.

She is growing taller, smarter, running faster, becoming more independent and I am so super proud of her but gosh it makes me sad too.... I miss that perfect baby smell. She is growing into a little girl... a stubborn fiesty little girl with a hell of an attitude (just like her mama).

She has recently decided all on her own that she does not want a milk bottle anymore and shes in her own bed too (most nights).... I miss her next to me, i miss opening my eyes in the middle of the night and seeing her right next to me.

Its great that she is starting to do more on her own but for the mpst part she is still very over me, mama has all the answers and mama can and must do everything - as soon as I walk through the door from a long day at work she is just about ready to jump into my arms. Our family has welcomed a new member named Danika (my cousins daughter) Harper is totally in love with baby Danika and would bring her home with us if she could! Whenever we see Danika she has this obsessive need for me to hold Danika the whole time!

Also recently Harper weirdly says (out of nowhere) to Allan's family that she is going to be a big sister... I'm like what now?? Uhm no you're not!

Shame I think she wants a sibling - buuuut I just dont think we are ready yet (if being ready is even a thing)

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