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BUMP UPDATE - 6 weeks to go!

We have reached week 34! Cannot believe it has gone by this quickly. I am feeling rather huge and uncomfortable at this point. A goodnights sleep is a distant memory - something I am sure I will only get back again in like 2 years or so.....

I am hoping to have a VBAC this time around. Harper was delivered via C-Sec in 2014 as she was a breech baby. There were no other complications so this time around there is a good chance that I can deliver baby naturally. Fingers crossed that I go into labour naturally by baby's due date - which is 10th September. Doc has advised that she will not induce me and has given me a cut off of 40 weeks so if bub doesn't make an appearance before then, a c-sec will be schedule for a day or two after.

I officially start my maternity leave in about 3 weeks!! EEEK! I cannot wait - first thing on my to-do list is go for a pregnancy massage!

Then watch some hypnobirthing youtube vids and just bounce on my ball and do LOTS of walking!

I must admit I am of course nervous for the birth - but my excitement far outweighs this! I am so so excited to meet this little princess and just give her a million kisses. I cannot wait to see Harper hold and love her baby sister - I know my heart is just going to be overflowing with pride and love for both my girls!

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